Monday, January 30, 2012

Joe Paterno Memorial Service - Jan 26

Two former football players bow their heads during the Joe Paterno memorial service on Thursday afternoon in the Bryce Jordan Center.

Ki-Jana Carter bows his head during the memorial service for Joe Paterno in the Bryce Jordan Center on Thursday afternoon.

A mourner claps and keeps back tears during the Joe Paterno memorial service on Thursday afternoon in the Bryce Jordan Center.

Jay Paterno talks about his father Joe Paterno during his memorial service on Thursday afternoon in the Bryce Jordan Center.

Phil Knight, former CEO and co-founder of Nike, speaks about Joe Paterno during the memorial service on Thursday afternoon in the Bryce Jordan Center. 

Michael Robinson wipes tears from his eyes while watching a video about Joe Paterno on Thursday afternoon in the Bryce Jordan Center.

Sue Paterno waves to the crowd gathered in the Bryce Jordan Center for her late husband Joe Paterno's memorial service on Thursday afternoon. 
Penn State Alum Andy Craig tears up as he watches memorial videos of Joe Paterno during the memorial in the Bryce Jordan Center on Thursday afternoon.

Joe Paterno Viewing & Funeral Procession - Jan 25

Paternoville officers Carolyn Lasky and Jeff Lowe console each other after Joe Paterno's hearse passes them at Gate A at Beaver Stadium late Wednesday afternoon.

A Blue Loop with "Paterno Proud" on its LED display drives past Beaver Stadium on Wednesday afternoon.

Actor Billy Baldwin talks with other mourners after Joe Paterno's viewing outside the Pasquerilla Spiritual Center on Wednesday afternoon.

Meghan James, 14 of Huntington NY, is consoled by her grandmother Joan Wanat, also of Huntington NY, after exiting the viewing for Joe Paterno at the Pasquerilla Spiritual Center on Wednesday morning.

Mourners line Curtain Road near Beaver Stadium to "Guide Paterno Home" during his funeral procession late Wednesday afternoon.

The hearse carrying Joe Paterno and the Penn State Blue Bus carrying the Paterno family passes by a group of Paternovillers at Gate A in Beaver Stadium on Wednesday afternoon.

The hearse carrying Joe Paterno passes in front of Gate A at Beaver Stadium on Wednesday afternoon.

Joe Paterno's daughter Mary Kay Hort walks into his funeral service on Wednesday afternoon at the Pasquerilla Spiritual Center.

Quarterback Shane McGregor enters Joe Paterno's funeral service in Pasquerilla Spiritual Center on Wednesday afternoon.

Joe Paterno's name plate behind his statue outside Beaver Stadium is adorned with mementos from fans on Wednesday afternoon.

Joe Paterno's Viewing - Jan 24

Current Football Player Jonathan Duckett (24) and Former Football Player Terrell Golden stand guard next to Joe Paterno's casket on Tuesday afternoon in the Pasquerilla Spiritual Center.

Members of the public wait for the doors to open for the public viewing of Joe Paterno on Tuesday around 1 pm at the Pasquerilla Spiritual Center. It is estimated that 10,000 people will have stood in line by 6pm.

A visitor walks towards the casket of Joe Paterno to pay their respect while Football Player John Duckett (24) stands guard on Tuesday afternoon in the Pasquerilla Spiritual Center.

Remembering Joe Paterno - Jan 23

The American Flag was lowered to half mast in front of Old Main on Monday in honor of late Coach Joe Paterno. 

Serene Trostle (junior-art education) paints a message of rememberance for Coach Joe Paterno on the doors of Lions Pride on Monday evening.

Mourning Joe Paterno's death - Jan 22

Matt Shanes (junior-marketing) and Karisa Maxwell (junior-broadcast) comfort each other over the death of Former Head Football Coach Joe Paterno on Sunday morning infront of the Joe Paterno statue outside Beaver Stadium.

Sarah Tedesco (junior-biology) and Morgan Mazzarella (senior-broadcast journalism) express their grief over the death of Joe Paterno infront of the Joe Paterno statue outside Beaver Stadium on Sunday morning.

The Hovis family eats Berkey Creamery ice cream on Sunday afternoon. Jason, second from left, is eating Peachy Paterno.

the Vigil for Joe Paterno's health - Jan 21

Mary Quayle (senior-communication arts sciences) places a kiss on the Joe Paterno Statue outside Beaver Stadium on Saturday night. A crowd gathered after hearing false reports that Paterno had died.

A female places a candle near the feet of the Joe Paterno statue outside Beaver Stadium on Saturday night. There were false reports made about Paterno's health which prompted a gathering at the statue

Dana Krouse (junior-management) and Casey Krouse (freshman-finance) lean on each other and Mike McKeon (junior-marketing) for support after hearing reports on Joe Paterno's failing health on Saturday night near Beaver Stadium in front of the Joe Paterno statue.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Joe Pa Statue

 I left my own candle at the Joe Pa Statue at around 2:30am on Monday morning.


John assigned us to photograph a person who has a job with a random letter -- my letter was U. So I chose Sherry Dershimer, who is an upholsterer and interior designer. She was an awesome lady who opened up her home and shared many memories with me. It was very cool.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

35 Photos

In class today we were assigned to take 36 photos of the same person who stood in basically the same spot. Each photo had to be different. However I cannot count so i only took 35 photos. Here are the best 4:

Monday, January 16, 2012

Best Thing About PSU

I found this assignment very difficult to photograph because I think that the best thing about PSU is the pride. Almost everyone who goes to Penn State has pride in their school and all that it stands for. Even in the midst of a nation wide scandal people were still proud to be a Penn Stater. So my first thought was a cliche way to show this is Lion's Pride the store:

 I then decided to take a portrait of someone wearing Penn State gear, because every day on campus probably 100s of students are wearing some article of clothing that says Penn State on it. Which I think is awesome.

Stefanie Zaino, a Penn State junior studying nutrition, poses for a portrait in front of Old Main. She is an Ohana dancer for THON.

I also associate Penn State Pride with football games and the 100,000 people who come out every saturday from across the company to support the team. 
Marc Stocum, of Antes Fort, Pa cheers before the football players arrive in buses before the game against Illinois on October 29, 2011.

But Penn State is more than just football, we also have two dozen more sports, all of which are amazing.
Members of the Women's Lacrosse Team and the Field Hockey team dance to get pumped up before the Field Hockey team left for the NCAA Championship on November 10, 2011.