Monday, January 16, 2012

Best Thing About PSU

I found this assignment very difficult to photograph because I think that the best thing about PSU is the pride. Almost everyone who goes to Penn State has pride in their school and all that it stands for. Even in the midst of a nation wide scandal people were still proud to be a Penn Stater. So my first thought was a cliche way to show this is Lion's Pride the store:

 I then decided to take a portrait of someone wearing Penn State gear, because every day on campus probably 100s of students are wearing some article of clothing that says Penn State on it. Which I think is awesome.

Stefanie Zaino, a Penn State junior studying nutrition, poses for a portrait in front of Old Main. She is an Ohana dancer for THON.

I also associate Penn State Pride with football games and the 100,000 people who come out every saturday from across the company to support the team. 
Marc Stocum, of Antes Fort, Pa cheers before the football players arrive in buses before the game against Illinois on October 29, 2011.

But Penn State is more than just football, we also have two dozen more sports, all of which are amazing.
Members of the Women's Lacrosse Team and the Field Hockey team dance to get pumped up before the Field Hockey team left for the NCAA Championship on November 10, 2011.

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