Tuesday, February 21, 2012

THON 2012 - Sat

Alpha Delta Phi dancer Shane Hodapp (senior-nursing) helps moraler Jess Garfinkel (senior-marketing) who sits atop American Nuclear Society dancer Patrick Stuff's (senior-nuclear engineering) shoulders while they play Giant Jenga early Saturday morning in the BJC.

Moraler Jay Yurcho (senior-energy engineering) helps PSMA dancer Ally Greer (senior-marketing) stretch early Saturday morning. 
Ohana member Chris Santo, a sophomore studying aerospace engineering, does the 2012 line dance on Saturday morning.

Cameron Push, 10 of New Jersey, does the 2012 line dance with moraler Max McKeon, a senior studying english, early Saturday afternoon. Push is the cousin of THON child Mario Ouardi.

Caylin Rotondo, 2 of Elizabethown, plays with Altoona campus THON chair Mara Kern, a sophomore studying public relations, on Saturday afternoon. Rotonodo's sister is an Altoona campus dancer.

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