Sunday, January 16, 2011

Boulogne-Billancourt = My New Home

My homestay apartment in France is in the banlieu Boulogne-Billancourt, which is about a 30 min metro ride from where my classes are, but its not too bad. It's a really nice little town. There is a beautiful cathedral near the apartment, le cathedral de Notre-Dame de Boulogne. There is also a hospital very close. Le Blois de Boulogne, or Forest of Boulogne, is about a block from my house. Can't wait to explore it when spring comes. The town is really nice. Me and my housemate Sunni went exploring the town today. It's pretty big (we think, not really sure where we ended up but...). There is a MacDo, which had a long line, a Pizza Hut, a KFC, and a Best Western. Along with lots of neat little french shops and restaurants. We had lunch at this neat little sandwhich shop, where we had a huge pizza.

The apartement I'm staying in really nice. There is a pretty big garden in the back. It is two stories. There is a dog, named Nash, who is 13 years old and a sweetheart and a cat, named Chaussettes or Socks, who is funny and likes to curl up on Sunni's bed. My room is nice and has a good view of the garden. My host family are all very nice!

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