Sunday, January 23, 2011

le centre Georges Pompidou

On Monday (the 17th) I went with an IES group to take a tour of le centre Pompidou. It is a very modern building. The outside is all glass with different colored tubes running through it. The green pipes are waste/plumbing. Blue pipes are air conditioning and heat. Yellow pipes are electricity. Red pipes are water for fires.

To get to the permanent exhibit you have to go up escalators which are on the outside of the building. 
We went on a guided tour through the permanent exhibit, which is all modern and contemporary art. There are a lot of famous artists and paintings in the museum. 

Henri Matisse
Pablo Piccasso 
Here are the (few) paintings that our obnoxiously long winded tour guide talked to us about:
tour guide is in the one facing everyone else. who was attempting to look interested. The painting was very cool though she kinda ruined by attempting to explain every detail of each of the paintings, which is not the point of modernism and especially not the point of this painting.

Her only useful piece of information was to be sure that you look at many of the paintings from multiple angles. 
But her extreme long windedness (like 15 mins for each painting, which means we only got to see like 6 in an hour and half!) bored me, so I began looking around at the rooms adjacent to the one we were in or just at the other paintings on the wall. And these are some of my favorites:

Unfortunately i didnt think to write down the artist or painting names until the next day at the Musee D'Orsay so sorry but idk who these were painted by. 
I was very inspired by the Richard Avedon's portraits:
 these are self portraits im pretty sure

this is andy warhol after he was shot.
we then visited the temporary feminist exhibit: which was umm well interesting....
 turning famous males into females
 this is a salt sculpture, which made cool designs on the floor

 not really sure, it's supposed to be a history of feminism, but it just looks very angry and scary to me. Along with these pikes this room featured a video. The video was of a naked woman hulahooping with barbed wire on a beach. it would zoom in and out on this woman's mid-section. and we watched it for a good 15 mins because our tour guide would not shut up. it was pretty disturbing. if you care to watch the video it is here:

very interesting stat!
and then after the tour we all went to the top of the centre where there is a pretty awesome view of the city!

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