Sunday, January 30, 2011

Partinage sur le Tour Eiffel

This past friday I went ice skating on the Eiffel Tower... which was awesome! There is only an ice skating rink there for about 6 weeks in the winter. However to get there i had to walk up ... 

stairs... well about 400 to get the first level, where the ice skating rink is. Below is a view from the stairs up to the top. There is an elevator for those who don't want to walk up all the stairs. But for those of us who eat our body weight in bread each day. The stairs were it. 

Ice skating was fun though! The rink was tiny, and the skates were pretty loose on my feet but it was worth it. I mean how many people can say that they ice skated on top of the Eiffel Tower? 

 This is a friend who was using the adorable little penguin to help herself skate.

 After ice skating we walked up the rest of the stairs (to the full 669) to see a wonderful view of Paris laid out before us.

And below us. It was a very successful day. That ended with some delicious hot chocolate from a cafe on the first level of the tower!

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