Thursday, February 10, 2011

Chartres -- January 29

On Saturday January 29, me and 7 friends went to the small town of Chartres, about an hour train ride from Paris. Upon arriving we immediately get crêpes at a cute little restaurant on this square...
 We then go to le Cathedral de Notre-Dame de Chartres... which is BEAUTIFUL!!! It was constructed between in the 12th century, but a fire burned most of the building so it was rebuilt later (I think 14th century). Which is why there are two different towers... which is what makes it super cool to me!
 I think this little dragon guy is so cute...
 The portals and stained glass are absolutely amazing!
 mes amies...
 Beautiful stained glass rosace!!
 This is from the 12th century and depicts the virgin mary and baby Jesus...which is super cool!!!!
 These are biblical stories, mostly about Mary, and is the choir screen
 A remodeled/cleaned part of the church, lots of remodeling going on here!
 This is (supposedly) the tunic worn by the Virgin Mary when she gave birth to the baby Jesus, and is the cause of many pilgrimages (especially by young people on foot) to Chartres.

 Lots of candles everywhere
 The nativity scene...

Such a beautiful small town!!

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