Saturday, February 26, 2011

A cemetery.... how romantic (Feb 14)?

Today (Valentines Day - which i realize is not the day of this post but like 2 weeks later) me and two friends went to the Pere Lachaise Cemetery... where many notable ppl are buried...
 Above, the wall of Martyrs, mostly commemorating those who died in the Holocaust or Shoah in French.

 Tomb of George Seurat... dot dot dot george seurat...famous pointilism painter, whose paintings i saw in the musee d'orsay
 Heloise and Abelard, reunited in death... famous french lovers of the middle ages.
 The grave of Jim Morrison. Many people visiting this grave, many just standing/sitting and staring at it. There is a fence surronding it however because people used to do drugs on his grave, not that the current fence would stop that (as an irish couple told us... just hop over the fence, it's a much better picture)(but i didnt hop over the fence.. zoom works just as well without disrespecting about 5 other people)
 oscar wilde's grave, also a site of pilgrimage for some people. I knew it was covered in lipstick but not this covered.

A friend of mine added a kiss to the back of the tomb.

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