Sunday, February 20, 2011

Musee Rodin -- February 9

On wednesday February 9th I visited the Rodin Museum. It was pretty cool. The thinker (below) is probably his most famous statue: 
 It sits in a very pretty garden, which I cannot wait to see in the Spring when everything is blooming!

 A pretty cool bust of a young girl. One of his early works.
 The Hand of God or Creation... pretty interesting. Above is the back and below is the other side. Almost looks unfinished to me but that was part of Rodin's style.
 Above is the Kiss.

 The Waltz... one of my favorites.  Its so fluid and pretty.
 Letters between Rodin and Monet, which is awesome. They had a pretty enduring friendship.
A Monet painting that he gave to Rodin. Awesome!!!

1 comment:

  1. AHH I love it! I can't wait to go. Sans camera. But that's ok lol. I'll just use my phone to take pics! Nothing can stop us!
