Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Louvre Part 1 -- Denon Wing

Two Saturdays ago (the 19th) me and my roommate went to the Louvre for some roommate bonding time. Another friend came with but had already seen most of the section we went through so we just met up with her at random points throughout the wing. 
 The coralish looking statue is part of a temporary exhibit (that i didnt see but there are signs for it all over the metros)
 This is "La Vierge et l'enfant tronant" from the beginning of the XIV century.
 Sainte Marie Madeleine by Gregor Erhart from 1515-1520
 La nymphe au scorpion by Lorenzo Boutolini from 1845
 L'amour et Psyche
 Isis by Grand Jacquet in 1779-1781
 Sarcophage des Epous 520-510 BC
 Winged Victory
 Crown on the left is Charlemagne's and on the right is Louis XII and his sword
 Les mysteres de la Passion du Christ by Campi in 1569
 Le Pandemonium by John Martin 1823

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